Case Studies
Over the past two+ decades, we have helped some of our clients grow from basic website beginnings to modern small enterprises. Here are three case studies in how we have served some notable clients over many years.

The Cass Gilbert Society (CGS) - A Story of a Non-profit Leveraging their Website for Capacity Building
The Cass Gilbert Society is a group of historical architects dedicated to performing research about American architect Cass Gilbert and cataloging his works. Cass Gilbert began his career in Minnesota and designed the state capitol as well as dozens of St. Paul residences and commercial buildings. Later he moved to New York and designed the Woolworth building (the first American skyscraper) and the US Supreme Court building as well as 3 other state capitols among many projects.
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Lions Gym - Stephen Evans Menya (SEM) - Growing with the Company: A 4-Stage Story of Website Development
Stephen Evans Menya's passion is physical health and muscle fitness and his dream was to become a medical doctor. In the mid 2000's, he began his business by acquiring some used weight machines to train clients in his garage. Before long he and his wife found a studio in a Minneapolis suburb to create his first version of Lions Gym. Factor of 4 created a small, brochureware website in 2007 that described services such as: Tailored Personal Training, Cardio-Vascular Training, Weight Training, Range of Motion Training, Massage & Recuperating, as well as his personal philosophy. His in-house licensed chiropractor, Dr. Richard Greene became a mentor.
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Paul Market Productions (PMP) - An SEO Story in Search-Engine Visibility
Professional Minneapolis photographer Paul Markert has an impressive set of corporate clients. He came to Factor of 4 in 2006 upon recommendation of a good friend whom Factor of 4 had already helped with vastly improved search engine optimization (SEO). Like CGS (above), Paul had a small, brochureware website that was based in deprecated flash technology and was devoid of search-engine indexing code--it needed a complete redesign.
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